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  • 裝修風(fēng)格:中式裝修
  • 裝修類(lèi)型:二手房裝修
  • 裝修程度:簡(jiǎn)裝修
  • 所在城市:西安
  • 小區(qū)地址:興慶路88號(hào)
  • 建筑年代:
  • 建筑類(lèi)型:小高層、板塔結(jié)合

[小區(qū)介紹]:新興·IN之家”項(xiàng)目位于興慶路88號(hào),占地面積12.725畝,設(shè)計(jì)面積3萬(wàn)余平方米,計(jì)劃投資8,000余萬(wàn)元。 該項(xiàng)目聘請(qǐng)德國(guó)設(shè)計(jì)師設(shè)計(jì),為兩棟小高層住宅。2003年1月,該項(xiàng)目在中國(guó)房地產(chǎn)業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)、陜西省建設(shè)廳、陜西省房地產(chǎn)業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)主辦的“誠(chéng)信縱深行”活動(dòng)中,被評(píng)為“信譽(yù)樓盤(pán)”。2003年3月28日,該項(xiàng)目在“2003年陜西省住宅產(chǎn)業(yè)總評(píng)榜”榮獲“陜西省十大創(chuàng)新樓盤(pán)”。該項(xiàng)目于2003年10月竣工,建審手續(xù)五證齊全,現(xiàn)在銷(xiāo)售量已達(dá)80%以上,2003年12月31日已經(jīng)交付入住,入住率達(dá)到70%。




  • 以下是jack的夢(mèng)想之家用英語(yǔ)作文

    答:My dream home is in the countryside. There is very quiet and the air is fresh. It has at least three floors. I have a sitting-room, a dinning-room, a kitchen and a bathroom. There are five benroom. I have big beds in all the be...2

  • 用英語(yǔ)描述你的夢(mèng)想之家

    問(wèn):第一段:家的方位、大小和特點(diǎn) 第二段:內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)和你最喜歡的房間 第三...答:My dream home is not very large.It's a wooden house. it is near the sea.I'd like to have 5 rooms in my home.I have a kitchen ,a bathroom, a sitting room,a studyand my own bedroom. I like living near the sea because it is very q...

  • 上海“小米之家”在什么地方

    問(wèn):把在什么區(qū)、什么街、多少號(hào)都告訴我請(qǐng)仔細(xì)點(diǎn)答:上海小米之家,徐匯區(qū)中山西路1698弄明園小安橋1號(hào)樓601室。 問(wèn)題已解決可以采納。11

  • 英語(yǔ)作文30詞夢(mèng)想之家

    問(wèn):英語(yǔ)作文30詞夢(mèng)想之家答:There are five benroom, a dinning-room.There is a garden behind the house. I have a sitting-room. I have big beds in all the bedrrooms. I love my dream home very much. Many friends can stay with me at my home, I can go fishing ...

  • 我在“手機(jī)鈴聲之家”聽(tīng)到了一首英文歌的鈴聲,不知...

    問(wèn):http://www.cnwav.com/viewthread.php?tid=130970&highlight=(試聽(tīng)地址...答:那是諾基亞自帶的鈴聲不是歌,就只有那么長(zhǎng) 百度MP3 輸入 諾基亞 listen 挑個(gè)好點(diǎn)的6

  • 用英語(yǔ)描述你的夢(mèng)想之家

    問(wèn):第一段:家的方位、大小和特點(diǎn) 第二段:內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)和你最喜歡的房間 第三...答:My dream home is not very large.It's a wooden house. it is near the sea.I'd like to have 5 rooms in my home.I have a kitchen ,a bathroom, a sitting room,a studyand my own bedroom. I like living near the sea because it is very q...

  • 我在“手機(jī)鈴聲之家”聽(tīng)到了一首英文歌的鈴聲,不知...

    問(wèn):http://www.cnwav.com/viewthread.php?tid=130970&highlight=(試聽(tīng)地址...答:那是諾基亞自帶的鈴聲不是歌,就只有那么長(zhǎng) 百度MP3 輸入 諾基亞 listen 挑個(gè)好點(diǎn)的6

  • 上海“小米之家”在什么地方

    問(wèn):把在什么區(qū)、什么街、多少號(hào)都告訴我請(qǐng)仔細(xì)點(diǎn)答:上海小米之家,徐匯區(qū)中山西路1698弄明園小安橋1號(hào)樓601室。 問(wèn)題已解決可以采納。11

  • 英語(yǔ)作文30詞夢(mèng)想之家

    問(wèn):英語(yǔ)作文30詞夢(mèng)想之家答:There are five benroom, a dinning-room.There is a garden behind the house. I have a sitting-room. I have big beds in all the bedrrooms. I love my dream home very much. Many friends can stay with me at my home, I can go fishing ...

  • 罪惡之家開(kāi)頭的英文對(duì)白

    答:——Do you believe in God? ——Yes. ——How can you? ——I can't believe in people.1

  • 網(wǎng)上的win7我下載有Deepin_Ghost_Win7和DEEP_GHOST...


  • 《流浪狗之家》的英文讀后感

    問(wèn):150詞左右答:High-old man讀后感 Recently, a deeper understanding of Balzac's masterpiece "high old man" was in fact a long time ago on the really serious thought to appreciate that this comes from in the 19 century French writer Balzac's wo...11

  • 以下是jack的夢(mèng)想之家用英語(yǔ)作文

    答:My dream home is in the countryside. There is very quiet and the air is fresh. It has at least three floors. I have a sitting-room, a dinning-room, a kitchen and a bathroom. There are five benroom. I have big beds in all the be...2

  • 網(wǎng)上的win7我下載有Deepin_Ghost_Win7和DEEP_GHOST...


  • 《流浪狗之家》的英文讀后感

    問(wèn):150詞左右答:High-old man讀后感 Recently, a deeper understanding of Balzac's masterpiece "high old man" was in fact a long time ago on the really serious thought to appreciate that this comes from in the 19 century French writer Balzac's wo...11

  • 罪惡之家開(kāi)頭的英文對(duì)白

    答:——Do you believe in God? ——Yes. ——How can you? ——I can't believe in people.1

  • 網(wǎng)上的win7我下載有Deepin_Ghost_Win7和DEEP_GHOST...


  • 上海“小米之家”在什么地方

    問(wèn):把在什么區(qū)、什么街、多少號(hào)都告訴我請(qǐng)仔細(xì)點(diǎn)答:上海小米之家,徐匯區(qū)中山西路1698弄明園小安橋1號(hào)樓601室。 問(wèn)題已解決可以采納。11

  • 我在“手機(jī)鈴聲之家”聽(tīng)到了一首英文歌的鈴聲,不知...

    問(wèn):http://www.cnwav.com/viewthread.php?tid=130970&highlight=(試聽(tīng)地址...答:那是諾基亞自帶的鈴聲不是歌,就只有那么長(zhǎng) 百度MP3 輸入 諾基亞 listen 挑個(gè)好點(diǎn)的6

  • 用英語(yǔ)描述你的夢(mèng)想之家

    問(wèn):第一段:家的方位、大小和特點(diǎn) 第二段:內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)和你最喜歡的房間 第三...答:My dream home is not very large.It's a wooden house. it is near the sea.I'd like to have 5 rooms in my home.I have a kitchen ,a bathroom, a sitting room,a studyand my own bedroom. I like living near the sea because it is very q...

  • 《流浪狗之家》的英文讀后感

    問(wèn):150詞左右答:High-old man讀后感 Recently, a deeper understanding of Balzac's masterpiece "high old man" was in fact a long time ago on the really serious thought to appreciate that this comes from in the 19 century French writer Balzac's wo...11

  • 罪惡之家開(kāi)頭的英文對(duì)白

    答:——Do you believe in God? ——Yes. ——How can you? ——I can't believe in people.1

  • 以下是jack的夢(mèng)想之家用英語(yǔ)作文

    答:My dream home is in the countryside. There is very quiet and the air is fresh. It has at least three floors. I have a sitting-room, a dinning-room, a kitchen and a bathroom. There are five benroom. I have big beds in all the be...2

  • 英語(yǔ)作文30詞夢(mèng)想之家

    問(wèn):英語(yǔ)作文30詞夢(mèng)想之家答:There are five benroom, a dinning-room.There is a garden behind the house. I have a sitting-room. I have big beds in all the bedrrooms. I love my dream home very much. Many friends can stay with me at my home, I can go fishing ...
